SISPot app will improve your Franchisee!

Start by downloading our app and see what your employees and manager of restaurants are doing right now and help us.

You will recieve a code you can use on the App Store and Play Store!

let your collaborators be happier focused on their tasks without much concern thanks to the business mobility offered by sispot with its suite of applications..

Control spending, shifts, supplies, audits, restaurant visits, openings and closings, human talent, customer service, assets inventory,maintenance request, catalog recipes, memos, messages among employees and much more all in one application..

Optimize Time

Having business mobility we achieve in a single platform optimize processes.

Manage your Franchise

Multiplatform where many ingredients make up the Pot.

Process improvement

optimizes the main processes in your operation.

Previously it was SISMAN 2.5 

with many improvements and 100% in mobile all maintanence request and issues.


Asset management and audit, collection, categorization and history.


Shopping cart for utensils and supplies.



Administration time floor in restaurants.


Openings and closings restaurants.


Management of expense bills in restaurants.


Simple requests for vacation permissions and personal information card.

Restaurants audits applied in different areas. 


Shifts and time clocks management.



Available recipes for employees.


Internal messaging among collaborators. 


Communications to collaborators, memos and others.


Module for requests, graphics and indicators for Management.


Customer service module.


Web Admin 

SISPot has its web platform which is updated in real time with its mobile devices.

Multi-platform Apps 

Do not worry, keep the operation sucessfull.

optimize the operation of your franchise to 100% keep your operation stable and productive.


Scalable Apps Platform.

SISPOT has a scalable platform that allows you to include the modules you want from different departments of your franchise.

Hit the ground running

Start by downloading our app and see what your employees and franchisee are doing right now.

SAAS Contract

Under the rent model we have a small cost per branch less than the cost of one combo per month.

under this modality we can have access to the modules of the platform in a gold way

Premium Plan Support

We can give you a 24/7 support package and customized improvements

Update Plan Version

We have an update plan of its previous version to the new platform 100% compatible

"This app might just be the only one I use daily, so awesome to have everything I ever wanted in such a well-built app. I can't believe it how easy it is to use and get the best Franchises right at my fingertips. Awesome app!"



CEO at Orbita Fast Food Suite Apps 

"We bet on SISPOT because it is a very scalable and moldable application which we can implement in our franchise in addition to returning the return of investment with the models that profit that this provider offers us."



IT Manager at Subway Costa Rica


Control your Franchiser And Branches!

Start by downloading our app and see what your Employees and franchisse are doing right now.